Unions Matter

The labour movement fights for healthy and safe workplaces, decent wages and hours of work, fairness at work, and dignity in retirement. In doing so, unions play an important role, not only in improving our own wages and working conditions, but in raising the standards for all Canadian workers. It’s through our advocacy that we now have legislation governing things like minimum wage, overtime, and minimum vacation requirements. Unions also play an active role in our local and global communities. Through coalitions, partnerships, and financial contributions, the labour movement supports community initiatives, social justice actions and human rights.


Why get involved?

It’s the participation of our members that makes all this valuable work happen. FPSE and our member locals are democratic, member-driven organizations.  Every person elected to their executive or representing their local on an FPSE committee comes from the membership. Members like you help develop our policies and direct our actions, whether at the bargaining table, at local meetings, or at FPSE’s AGM. We need your involvement to make your workplaces and our communities better.


10 Things You Can Do To Get to Know Your Local and FPSE
  1. Attend local meetings. This is where decisions get made and priorities are set

  2. Attend an event sponsored by your local, such as International Women’s Day or Fair Employment Week events.

  3. Join a committee. FPSE’s Standing Committees connect the dots between our workplaces, our unions and our communities.

  4. Subscribe to our news list to receive regular member updates, commentary, and news items through our email updates.

  5. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to stay up to date with the activities of the FPSE and our community.

  6. Attend a local Labour Council meeting where workers from different unions connect about issues affecting your community.

  7. Join your Local Executive or become a steward.

  8. Take a union course. FPSE offers 14 different member education courses.

  9. Attend a conference or convention. Through your Local, members have access to conferences hosted by FPSE, the BC Federation of Labour, the Canadian Association of University Teachers, and more.

  10. Read your Collective Agreement and FPSE’s constitution and policies. Want to know more? Talk to your Local executive. Don’t like what you read? Get involved to make change. If you do like what you see, get involved to keep up the good work.